Fern Flower
Published on July 9, 2024

Bufeo colorado

Regions of expansion

Peru 1


A legend from the Peruvian jungle. The ancients told about a pink dolphin that, if desired, could come out of the water and inexplicably magically transform into a man - a tall, slender and muscular blond man with blue eyes.

With such an appearance, the werewolf dolphin easily attracted girls who came for fresh water and fell in love with them.

According to one version, having captured the girl's heart, the dolphin ate her and, having eaten enough girls and had enough, went back into the river. According to another version, the dolphin persuaded the girls to stay with him and turned them into dolphins in order to return to the river together. Therefore, dolphins to this day willingly jump out of the water when people approach - they say these are ex-girls, missing their family, jump out of the water and look for their relatives and friends.

This legend also has an explanation: in the Amazon jungle, it is very rare to meet a person with blond hair and eyes, since the locals are short brunettes with brown eyes. It is not surprising that such a person certainly caused fear and a desire to explain his appearance by supernatural forces. Perhaps one of the first conquerors of America accidentally appeared in the Jungle, giving rise to such legends. Accidents on the water are also not uncommon - the tributaries of the Amazon are deep, the waters are opaque, it will not be difficult to drown.

There is also an Amazonian pink river dolphin. They start their lives gray when they are young, and slowly turn pink as they get older.

Bufeo colorado in popular culture