Fern Flower
Published on July 21, 2022


  • Bogan
  • Bokan
  • Bowhan
  • Bohan
  • Bukan
  • The bastards
  • Bauhan

Regions of expansion

United Kingdom 1
United Kingdom


Boggan (Scottish : bòcan, English: bauchan, buckawn, bogan, Bòcan, Bogans, Boggans, Buckawn) is a type of domestic hobgoblin in Scottish folklore. He is often mischievous and sometimes dangerous, but also helps when the need arises.

Pogants — a variant of the translation of the name of Boggans into Russian (animated film "Epic" 2013).

He is a werewolf and can turn into a goat.

Boggan in popular culture


  • John Francis Campbell "Popular Tales of the West Highlands: Orally Collected"