Fern Flower
Published on November 11, 2018


  • Bangungot

Regions of expansion

Philippines 1


A tree demon from Filipino folklore, a huge obese woman strangling the sleepers to death.

The bathybat takes the form of a huge, old, fat woman who lives in trees.

As a rule, they come into contact with people when the tree on which they live is cut down and turned into a support beam in the house. This causes them to move into the holes in this beam. The bathybat does not allow people to sleep next to her beam.

When a person does fall asleep next to this beam, the bathybat turns into its true form and attacks him. She sits on her victim's chest until he suffocates. To protect yourself from batibat, you need to bite your thumbs or wiggle your toes. Thus, a person wakes up from a nightmare.

Can change appearance at will.

Bathybat in popular culture