Fern Flower
Published on November 11, 2018


  • Bakezori

Regions of expansion

Japan 1


In Japanese folklore, the kind of things that come to life is tsukumogami, arising from an old straw slipper. Usually it is a hundred-year-old slipper, forgotten in the pantry, which comes to life to protect its shoe brethren in those homes where shoes are poorly taken care of.

Able to scream at night (usually "Kararin, kororin, kankororin! Three eyes, three eyes, two tooth!" (jap. カラリン、コロリン、カンコロリン、まなぐ三つに歯二ん枚)).

If a person puts it on, then after a while he will catch himself walking aimlessly to no one knows where.

Baka-dzori in popular culture