Fern Flower
Published on November 1, 2018


  • Addank
  • Afank

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United Kingdom 1
United Kingdom


A creature from Welsh mythology. This aquatic creature, looking like a huge crocodile or beaver, drags under the water. cattle and sometimes even people.

Avanc lives in a pool called Llyn-yr-Avanc (Llyn yr Afanc) on the river Conwy in the North Wales.

There is a legend that one of King Arthur's knights went to fight with an Addank - that is, with an avank. His beloved gave him a stone with her, thanks to which he could see the avank, while remaining invisible himself. He entered the cave of Avanka, took in his left hand the stone that the lady gave him, and in his right hand the sword. And when he entered, he saw Addank and immediately cut off his head with a sword.

Avank in popular culture