Fern Flower
Published on November 10, 2018


  • Adana
  • Housing offices
  • Test
  • Sleep

Regions of expansion

Russia 1 Georgia 1
Russian Federation


In Abkhazian, Ossetian and Adyghe mythology, a dwarf is from a people who lived on earth before the age of humans. Now they live underground and have a very small stature (not visible in the grass). They had a broad chest and powerful shoulders, and were distinguished by great physical strength. They bred small cattle, which were kept in atsanguars, rode hares and milked deer.

Btsentæ is the Ossetian name of atsanov

Zheki — Balkarian and Karachai name of atsanov

Isps and Spi — Adyghe names of atsans

Atsan in popular culture