Fern Flower
Published on October 30, 2018


  • Nagloper
  • Sasabonsam
  • Asasabonsam

Regions of expansion

Togo 1 Ghana 1 Côted'Ivoire 1
Cote D'Ivoire


A creature from the folklore of the Ashanti people (West Africa). It is believed that pronouncing the name of Asanbosama alone can cause trouble.

Outwardly, it looks like a man overgrown with fur with large bloodshot eyes and protruding iron teeth. Sometimes disproportionately long legs are distinguished. In some stories, he has a long tail (sometimes with a snake's head at the end), on which he hangs, like a monkey. It is also said that he has hooks on his legs, with which he clings to tree branches and hangs upside down in anticipation of a victim. He hooks her up, bites her thumb or foot, and then drinks blood from the wound. 

Sasabonsam — or another name for asanbosam, or its flying variety, with bat wings.

Nagloper is probably the highest kind of asanbosam, capable, among other things, of changing its appearance, as well as turning its victims into asanbosams and forcing them to attack people. The unique difference between the treatment of naglopers from European vampires is that they return the victim to the original human form if she does everything she is ordered to do.

Asanbosam in popular culture