Fern Flower
Published on April 7, 2017

Aquatic creatures


In addition to beings that are considered reasonable (e.g. mermaids), humanity for many centuries, holds legends of water monsters. These terrible monsters inhabit all water bodies, from oceans to small lakes.

These creatures are usually described as giant snakes, lizards and squid.


The most famous being, perhaps, live in the lake, is Nessie. According to legend, it inhabits the Loch ness in Scotland. The researchers (who are referred to as "cryptozoology") believe that the first of the Loch ness monster is mentioned by Roman legionaries. The legend of the creature (Calpi), living in lakes, is also present in Scottish folklore. However, the worldwide fame it acquired after the publication of the so-called "surgeon's photograph" (Surgeon photo), made by the London physician R. Kenneth Wilson in 1934, which turned out to be a hoax. However, in the Wake of the popularity of the monster was made many other pictures.

The seas and oceans

Monster of the deep sea have long been known to sailors and become part of their legends. Stories about the monsters that inhabited the seas appeared almost before the Maritime and successfully survived until our days.

One of the well-known marine life according to these legends is the Kraken. It's a mythical sea monster looks like a cephalopod mollusc of gigantic proportions. He became known by the descriptions of Icelandic sailors. One of the most famous documented descriptions of this creature was given by captain Robert Jameson and the sailors of his vessel, under oath in court and published in "St. James Chronicle" at the end of the 1770-ies. A description of what they saw in 1774: a huge body of up to 1.5 miles in length and 30 feet in height that it appeared from the water, then sank and finally disappeared "under extraordinary agitation of the waters." After that they found this place so many fish that it filled almost the entire ship.

Second in popularity after the giant squid creatures mentioned in ancient legends, is a giant snake. For Example, Cadborosaurus. This hypothetical marine reptile supposedly lives off the coast of North America. It is very similar to the sea serpent with a long body and a head like a horse.


Mythical creatures spotted in the rivers, significantly less than in the oceans, seas and lakes. Famous enough to find their individual name and worldwide fame, not at all. Typically, they are described as giant fish with huge teeth or snakes unnatural sizes.


The basic version, trying to explain the existence of the above beings, the following:

  • Relict of the cryptids, as yet unknown to science animals (a huge fish, long-necked seal, giant clam, etc.) that were able to survive to the present day, undetected.
  • Known creatures accidentally been taken over by monsters.
  • Inanimate objects are taken for monsters: logs, debris, waves, etc.
  • A deliberate hoax.

In addition to descriptions of eyewitnesses, photos and video evidence, find the bodies of creatures that fit the description above. This is not surprising because it is rare, but these creatures are real and recognized by official science. For example, a giant squid oceanographers found in 2004.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Aquatic creatures in popular culture