Fern Flower
Published on November 10, 2018


Regions of expansion

Russia 1
Russian Federation


A two-headed frog from Yakut legends.

If you catch it at sunrise and, after wrapping it in birch bark, throw it into an anthill, and then pick up two of its bones from there: a hook—shaped one — you should sew it to the inside of the right sleeve, in the form of a slingshot - to the left sleeve. So the frog's charms passed to a person and he could win over another person by touching him with his right hand, and if it was necessary for the interlocutor to fall behind, they used their left hand.

The disadvantage of this skill was that the owner of the magic bones was not given passage by frogs running to him from everywhere.

The cry of a frog being devoured alive called for death.

Aptakh-Baga in popular culture