Fern Flower
Published on October 24, 2018


  • Altvixas
  • Damavikas
  • Gausinelis
  • Pisuhand
  • Tulihand
  • Koklikas
  • Pukis
  • Puuk
  • Spirukas
  • Atvaras
  • Zhaltvikshas
  • Scalsininkas
  • Kutas
  • Hutas
  • Shkutas
  • Sporijus
  • Porizhus
  • Domovikas
  • Aitvar
  • Atvaras

Regions of expansion

Belarus 1 Lithuania 1


In Lithuanian mythology, a flying spirit in the form of a fiery serpent, a dragon, sometimes a black crow, a heron, a black or fiery rooster, less often a cat.

He flies over the trees, leaving a trail of fire. It can indicate where the treasure is buried, falling on this place in the form of a star. He can come to women and strangle them at night. Can engage in sexual intercourse with them as an incubus.

According to one version , the word Aitvaras comes from the Lithuanian aiti — tramp, shifty, tomboy and varas — very fast movement. According to another version, the name is associated with the word aitauti — quiet, calm, but this version is less common. The etymology can also be related to the Iranian pativara, as well as the Polish poczwara — an evil spirit, a nightmare.


Aitvaras in popular culture