Fern Flower
Published on October 25, 2018


  • Widowmaker
  • The Earthman

Regions of expansion

United States 1
United States of America


Agropelter is the original English spelling.

Anthrocephalus craniofractens is a variant of the pseudoscientific Latin name, literally "human—headed skull"

Brachviipotentes crainiofractans is another variant of the pseudoscientific Latin name.

Sitting in the trunk of a tree, the creature seems to be waiting for an unwary person and throws chips, twigs and branches at the uninvited guest. According to some descriptions, this creature moves so fast that it is impossible to notice it. His cubs are always born on February 29 and always in odd numbers.

In the folklore of the American colonists, an aggressive ape-like creature that lives in the hollow trunks of dry trees. It is described as completely black, except for the muzzle, which looks like an ash-gray skull is painted on it (judging by this description, it can be assumed that this is a spectacled bear that lives in South America).

Agropelter in popular culture