Fern Flower
Published on November 1, 2018


  • Agach kishi
  • Mesha-adam

Regions of expansion

Russia 1 Azerbaijan 1
Russian Federation


Agach kishi (Ağac kişi is the original Azerbaijani spelling of the name, literally "tree man"). Sometimes he is called Mesha-adam, which translates literally "forest man".

A creature from Balkar and Azerbaijani mythology. Lives in mountain forests. He usually looks like a hairy creature, having an intermediate appearance between a monkey and a man, having an unpleasant smell.

It was believed that at night he came to people's gardens and vegetable gardens, putting on clothes thrown away by people. The creature is afraid of dogs.


According to some researchers, the image of Agach Kishi is a variant of the legend of the bigfoot.

Agach-Kishi in popular culture