Fern Flower
Published on November 9, 2018


  • Abumi-kuti
  • Abumiguchi
  • Abumiguchi

Regions of expansion

Japan 1


According to Japanese mythology, a creature that appears from a stirrup lost by a warrior (an animated stirrup).

The name Abumi-guti translates from Japanese 鐙口 (Abumi-guchi is transliterated in Latin) - "stirrup-mouth".

A strange furry creature that is born from an old horse stirrup, which belonged to a warrior-rider who died in the war, in the event that comrades-in-arms left the stirrup abandoned on the battlefield. It was believed that it comes to life and waits forever alone for its owner, since the one who fell in battle will not return the same.

There is a version that this character was invented by Toriyama Sekien, who drew his most famous image.

Abumi-guti in popular culture