Fern Flower
Published on January 2, 2022

Witchcraft villages

Сусай, Дий, Тулпан, Permskiy kray, Russian Federation


In the north of the Perm Region, on the banks of the Kolva River, there are several sparsely populated villages where pagans live. Christianity never reached these places. Entrance to women without a skirt, and men without a beard is prohibited. Villagers eat vegetables-berries from their gardens and fish, which they masterfully catch. People don't read newspapers, don't watch TV, don't even take money in their hands - all this is forbidden by faith.

There are many besists (sorcerers) among the villagers who treat complex diseases by rolling eggs, protect against the evil eye and demons. They can also cause damage and kill cattle. Sorcerers pass on their gift by inheritance.

People are afraid of demons, but they still turn for help: the nearest hospital is hundreds of kilometers away from the impassable taiga.
