Fern Flower
Published on January 24, 2022

The Winchester House

Дом Винчестеров, California, United States of America


Anyone who has visited the magical Winchester house has a feeling that the world has gone crazy. In this building, stairs lead to nowhere, there are blank walls behind the doors, and the windows are tightly clogged. All this is connected with Sarah Winchester, the heiress of the arms company.

Once a fortune teller predicted to a girl that the ghosts of murdered relatives would haunt her all her life. To avoid this, you need to build the same house all your life. Sarah obeyed: for 38 years, workers have been adding some details to the mansion in San Jose. Now the house is open to tourists. Even if they do not believe in the otherworldly, they admit that they heard someone's footsteps, the creaking of doors and saw strange lights.
