Fern Flower
Published on February 18, 2022

Voice ravine in the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve area

Голосовой овраг в районе музея-заповедника Коломенское, Moskovskaya oblast', Russian Federation


The voice ravine in the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve area is a shallow ravine with a stream flowing through it, with which many mystical legends are associated. According to one of them, in pre-Christian times it was a pagan cult object, a source of "living" and "dead" water. Nowadays, there are claims that UFOs have been repeatedly noticed over the Voice Ravine, and an anomalous geomagnetic background has been recorded, which often leads to mysterious effects on people who find themselves here (strange voices and sounds are heard, visions are observed, some force lifts a person into the air, and so on);
