Fern Flower
Published on January 2, 2022

Village of Tabory

Таборы, Permskiy kray, Russian Federation


According to the stories, on the banks of the Kama River near the village of Tabory, on autumn nights, you can hear bitter crying. This yearns and cries for his beloved young nun.

Legend has it that a monastery stood in this place a long time ago. There was a village on the other bank. A young monk fell in love with a village girl Anna. Lovers met at night, a girl on a wooden boat secretly crossed the river to her beloved. One autumn, during a strong storm, the boat capsized and the girl drowned. The nuns waited for their beloved for a long time, shouting loudly at the shore: "Oh, Anna! Oh, Anna!". But I couldn't shout. And the city that arose later on this place was called Okhansky.
