Fern Flower
Published on January 17, 2022

Valtionhotelli Castle Hotel

Замок-отель «Валтионхотелли», Finland


In Imatra, not far from the famous waterfall, a castle-hotel "Valtionhotelli" was built. The building was the first hotel built of stone. The doors of the hotel were opened in November 1903.

Residents of Imatra are sure that, in addition to the guests, the ghost of a Woman in gray lives in the hotel. 

The fact is that in the reading room of the hotel there is a portrait of a woman in gray. They say that she has been living in the castle for a long time. Allegedly, the ghost walks through the corridors, and sometimes approaches the beds of guests. One of the waiters was even afraid to enter the Kilta-sali hall unaccompanied, where dishes are constantly disappearing from the set tables. 

Residents of Imatra say that this is the ghost of a girl who committed suicide because of unrequited love.

But there is another version. According to the stories, one day the wife of a Russian officer came to Imatra. She stayed in a hotel, they gave her a room on the fourth floor, because they were cheaper there. The woman was dressed in gray. The lady was tormented by strong emotional experiences, because secretly from her husband she was in love with a young soldier. Divorce at that time was a terrible shame. And then she decided not to return to her husband, but to commit suicide — and threw herself into the waterfall. 

And the fact that she is now wandering through the corridors and rooms of the hotel is explained by the fact that she really liked the castle and she stayed in it forever. 
