Fern Flower
Published on December 30, 2021

Valley of Ghosts

Долина привидений, Russian Federation


"Devil's fingers", as it is customary to call massive stone ledges, according to the famous legend, were formed in ancient times when the Crimea was captured by ruthless nomads.

They were hostile and used Demerdzhi Mountain as a place for a forge to forge all kinds of weapons. The forge caused great harm to wildlife: the heat was so strong that it destroyed trees and animals, dried up streams.

One day, a girl whose heart could no longer bear such barbarism turned to the tribal leader with a request to stop the work of the forge. At her words, the leader only burst out laughing, responding with a cruel refusal. And Demerdzhi Mountain did not forgive him for this: it spewed a hot stream of flame from the top, which destroyed the nomads.

In the morning, when the dust and fog settled, residents of nearby villages found only huge boulders on the site of the forge: those "fingers".

It is believed that the souls of the tribe are still trapped in the rocks. Perhaps that is why some tourists are uncomfortable in the Valley of Ghosts.
