Fern Flower
Published on January 10, 2022

Ustyurt Plateau

Плато Устюрт, Kazakhstan


This plateau with an area of about 200 thousand square kilometers covers the territory of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan and is located between Mangyshlak and the Kara-Bogaz-Gol Bay in the west, the Aral Sea and the Amu Darya Delta in the east. To date, this place remains one of the most unexplored on the planet, since it is possible to climb the plateau only in a few places. Its territory is a continuous desert without reservoirs and permanent rivers.

The main mystery of the plateau is the so-called "arrows of Ustyurt". They are calculations of crushed stone up to 80 cm high . Each arrow is 800-900 m long and 400-600 m wide, and all of them are directed to the northeast. Because of their gigantic size, arrows cannot be seen from the ground by either a person on foot or a rider. They were able to discover these drawings only in 1986 during aerial photography.

There is a hypothesis that this whole stone ancient complex is nothing more than a cosmodrome, because, according to the stories of researchers who have been there, they have repeatedly had to observe the appearance of UFOs in the sky.
