Fern Flower
Published on January 17, 2022

Ukonsaari Island

Остров Уконсаари, Finland


The rocky island on Lake Inari in the old days was a special place for the Sami, sacrifices were traditionally made here.

It is named after one of the highest gods in the Sami religion, the sacred rock Ukonkivi is located on it. The height of the Ukonsaari is approximately 30 m, width - 50 m, length - 100 m. On the western side there is a sacrificial cave, where in 1873 the Briton Arthur Evans found a fragment of a necklace. And in 2007, Finnish archaeologists discovered another seid on Ukonsaari.

Among the sacred places, this island is probably the most mysterious. And, despite the fact that it is located near the coast, it is almost always very difficult to see because of the constant dense fog.
