Fern Flower
Published on February 17, 2022

Uchuro-Chulbinsky district

Учуро-Чульбинский район, Saha, Respublika, Russian Federation


Residents of the Uchuro-Chulbinsky district, located on the border of Yakutia and the Khabarovsk Territory, claim that the name of the Ket mountain range, which runs through the territory of the district, comes from the word "Kat" – "Ship". Old-timers of the district say that 300 years ago, caught on one of the hills, a sparkling aircraft fell and crashed here. At the place of his fall, the Evenks who roamed in those parts found a large amount of metal from which they made hunting knives.

Similar ships were seen over the ridge in 1924 and in 1973. Eyewitnesses of the last UFO visit described it as a very large silver-colored tube that silently floated along the mountain range.
