Fern Flower
Published on January 2, 2022


ул. Большевистская, 68, Пермь, Permskiy kray, Russian Federation


The house in which the Perm Youth Theater is now located was built in the XIX century for the spouses Ivan and Elizabeth Lyubimov. Ivan Ivanovich was twice elected mayor, was a well-known philanthropist: with his help, an orphanage, a museum and a theater appeared in the city. When he died suddenly in 1899, half of Perm gathered to see him off on his last journey. Elizaveta Ivanovna lived to see the revolution, and then died of starvation in a small wing on Bolshevistskaya Street (formerly Catherine Street).

Some time later, the theater of the young spectator moved to the Lyubimov house. And immediately strange things began to happen: actresses' dresses began to disappear, lights suddenly flashed and went out in the dressing rooms on the second floor. The local watchman claims that he even saw a female silhouette at night. And the theater artist says that one day he felt the presence of someone else. No other way than the hostess walks-wanders, can't part with her house.
