Fern Flower
Published on January 11, 2022

Trans - Ili Alatau

Заилийский Алатау, Kazakhstan


There is a legend about a Mountain Maiden in the foothills of the Trans-Ili Alatau.

The silhouette of a Mountain Maiden appears on the most difficult passes. If you see her – do not expect good, it's better to bypass the pass side.

The legend of the Mountain Maiden has very rich historical roots. The white ghost of a girl was mentioned back in the time of Peter I. Then the White Maiden guarded the richest bowels of the earth. Land development was underway, ore mining was actively beginning. Legend has it that if a Virgin appears at the place where they are going to drill a well, it is impossible to disturb the earth. A terrible curse will fall on anyone who does not heed the warning. Since ancient times, miners have told how people who violated the ban died under ridiculous circumstances.
