Fern Flower
Published on January 16, 2023

The tower in Santa Maria del Pi

башня в Санта-Мария-дель-Пи, Барселона, Spain


The church tower in Santa Maria del Pi, one of the most famous churches of medieval Barcelona, was built by three different architects. The reason for this was that in the Middle Ages it was believed that the towers were built with the help of the devil, and starting from step number 100, it was necessary to conclude a contract with him if they wanted to complete the construction of the tower. The first architect stopped the construction of the tower when he completed the 99th step, and another architect had to continue the construction. The devil felt cheated and left his footprint on the hundredth step. Believers who attended church in large numbers decided to destroy this imprint.

In addition, a plaque is attached to the wall of the church in memory of the architect Jose Mestres, who fell from the bridge without a railing and did not receive any injuries. The place where he is buried is attributed to miracle-working in San Jose Oriole.
