Fern Flower
Published on May 9, 2023

Torrejon de Ardos Air Base

Авиабаза Торрехон-де-Ардос, Мадрид, Spain


Many years ago there was a hospital in Torrejon. The building is located on the territory of the airbase, but after the Americans left the base, it fell out of use.

One of the most impressive happened a few years ago and was told, as we are informed, by a civilian law enforcement officer who was in supervision in the area:

The guard, accompanied by a partner and a dog, was responsible for monitoring part of the airbase at night. They were driving around the territory in an SUV. During the observation, they noticed that lights were on in some toilets of the hospital. At first they were surprised, but decided to go and turn it off.

Later, they leave the hospital and continue their rounds until they pass in front again and realize that other lights are now on. The guards, this time out of fear, decide not to enter, but when they realize that the lights have been mysteriously turned off, they suspect that someone may be inside. Taking into account that this is a military complex, something like this could jeopardize the security of the complex, so go in and see if anyone is there. When they walk through the halls accompanied by a dog, they hear a ringing. This is the elevator that starts.

The guards are paralyzed with fear until the door opens. The one standing in front of the door can observe something inside, and the other runs out accompanied by a dog. What he saw inside the elevator radically changed his lifestyle. In fact, they say that he committed suicide some time later, without revealing what exactly scared him so much in the elevator, which is why another decided to tell this story.

Currently, the abandoned hospital is used for training UME and other elite units.

Some believe the legend, others think that it is nothing more than fictional stories, the truth is that it persists over time. And that the airbase, perhaps because of the mystery of the North American military world, has always been the scene of strange stories that were told to friends and family.
