Fern Flower
Published on August 5, 2024

The castle in Lancut

Lançut Castle, 1, Zamkowa, Trześnik, Osiedle Generała Stanisława Maczka, Łańcut, Łańcut County, Subcarpathian Voivodeship, 37-100, Poland


The Castle in Lancut is a unique place for enthusiasts of supernatural phenomena. There are two ghosts there: the Blue Lady, the ghost of Isabella Lubomirska, born Chartoryska, and the Black Devil, who in life was a 17th-century nobleman known for his debauchery. 

In Lancut, you can encounter two supernatural beings. The Lancut Castle is home to the Blue Lady. This ghost is harmless to people and does not frighten them with door slamming at night. She only walks through the chambers and corridors of the castle, and when someone follows her, she immediately disappears. 

According to legends, this is the ghost of Isabella Lubomirska, born Chartoryska, the wife of the Grand Marshal of the Crown Stanislaw Lubomirski. It was she who was responsible for the magnificence of the castle. However, Isabella was very unhappy. She was hopelessly in love with King Augustus II the Strong.

The second ghost we may encounter in Lancut is the so-called Devil from Lancut. In life, the Devil from Lancut was known as Stanislaw Stadnicki and lived in the 17th century. He was a nobleman, but he behaved in a manner not befitting his status. Along with a group of thugs and troublemakers, he raided neighboring estates, burning, killing, and robbing his neighbors. Numerous expeditions were sent against Stadnicki, but he always managed to hide in his impregnable castle. Eventually, he was killed by one of his companions, who was likely bribed.
