Fern Flower
Published on January 19, 2022

The terrible place of Wroclaw

Вроцлав, Poland


On the Market Square in Wroclaw there are two medieval houses, which are connected by an arch. These houses have names - "Yas" and "Malgosya". 
Someone will say that this is the most romantic building in Wroclaw, but once there was an entrance to the cemetery under the arch, which is still recalled by the inscription: "Mors Ianua Vitae" ("Death is the gateway to life").

Once there was a terrible murder here. The grandson killed his grandmother in a fit of devilish madness.  They say he was possessed by a devilish dwarf who lived in the nearby church of St. Elzbieta, and someone claims that grandmother's screams can still be heard today.  
