Fern Flower
Published on January 24, 2022

Tenerife History Museum

Музей истории Тенерифе, Spain


Catalina Lercaro (Spanish and Italian. Catalina Lercaro; presumably the second half of the XVI century, San Cristobal de la Laguna, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain — the end of the XVI century, ibid.) — a girl of Italian-Canarian origin, whose ghost haunts the halls The Tenerife History Museum.

Catalina's family belonged to a noble family of Genoese merchants Lercaro, based on the territory of the island Tenerife. Young Catalina was forced to marry a rich elderly man. Catalina on her wedding day jumped into the well, which was located in the courtyard of the mansion, and crashed.

According to legend, the girl's body was buried in one of the rooms in the house of Lercaro, because according to the rules The Catholic Church was not allowed to bury those who committed suicide in Christian cemeteries. After that, the Lercaro family moved to La Orotava, and their former home became a museum. Since then, many people have repeatedly claimed to have seen the ghost of Catalina wandering through the halls of the museum.

People, including museum staff, claim to have heard strange voices and repeated footsteps on the top floor of the building. There is an opinion that it is the soul of Catalina Lercaro walking around the house. Today, the ghost of Catalina Lercaro is the most famous ghost in the Canary Islands and one of the most famous in Spain. The mansion where the Lercaro family lived is considered the most famous "haunted house" in the Canary Islands.
