Fern Flower
Published on February 16, 2022


Тимшер, Komi, Respublika, Russian Federation


This local anomaly is located in the forest 11 kilometers from the village of Timsher Ust-Kulomsky district - large boulders are scattered in a forest clearing. It is unclear where they came from, since there are no rock formations in the vicinity.
The second attraction of the mysterious glade is a deep glass-shaped pit with a diameter of about 10 meters. A large tree grows at the bottom of the pit, its top does not reach the surface of the earth a little.
However, the main feature of the clearing, because of which the locals call it "sleepy", is not in appearance. This oddity was first noted by mushroom pickers. After long wanderings through the forest, people gladly sat down to rest on boulders and ... fell asleep. More precisely, they fell into a trance, because they realized where they were. As soon as a person's eyes closed by themselves, he had strange visions - some fantastic creatures, in general, similar to people. Anyway, they had heads, torsos, two arms and legs. But...
Most often they were gray dwarfs no more than a meter tall. On their earthy, rounded faces, under large blue-black almond-shaped eyes, cracks like fish gills were clearly visible. But there were no mouth openings. The bodies of the dwarfs resembled small barrels with thick arms and sausage fingers.
Also featured in the visions were giants under three meters tall, also with gray skin. They had very long necks and wrinkled faces like crumpled cloth. The eyes, a sort of crescent moon, turned upside down, glowed from the inside, as if bright light bulbs were hidden behind them. Their bodies looked quite thin, and almost half of the body was made up of legs.
Both types of fantastic creatures were presented in the form of stationary static photographs. They were seen not only by single mushroom pickers. There were cases when two or even three people went out to the "sleepy glade" and, sitting down on comfortable boulder chairs, everyone fell into a trance. People were in an altered state of consciousness for an hour or even more. Everyone had a headache after that.
