Fern Flower
Published on July 6, 2023


Таос, New Mexico, United States of America


For many years residents of the city Taosa (Southwest USA, state New Mexico) hear a low-frequency noise (hum) of unknown origin coming from the desert. The hum is similar to the movement of heavy machinery along the highway, although there are no major roads in the area of the town.

The peculiarity of the phenomenon is that it is heard only by local residents and extremely rarely by visitors. The scientists who studied it managed to record this hum on film and estimate its frequency (60 Hz), but it was not possible to find the source of the hum. They only suggested that the cause of its occurrence may be power lines passing near the village.

"Taos hum" was shown in the TV show Unsolved Mysteries, according to LiveScience took tenth place in the rating of "ten unexplained phenomena".
