Fern Flower
Published on February 7, 2022

Strange Forest

Странный лес, California, United States of America


In one corner of the forest of the state of California, a number of physical laws do not apply. It is not clear why objects that are supposed to stand vertically give the impression of being at an angle to the surface – people, for example, seem higher or lower than they really are. And round objects roll down an inclined plane not down, as it should, but up.

It all started seventy years ago, when a businessman started building a summer house on the hillside. But no matter how much he carried out calculations, no matter how much he rebuilt – the waterpass showed a flat plane, and the house came out skewed.

"People think that since the house is at an angle, then we also stand like that, but if you take your feet off the floor, for some reason we are still pulled forward, not down — an unknown force pushes us out of here," says a local guide. The researchers came up with all sorts of theories: "there is an overabundance of magnetic ore at the bottom", "here we observe a gravitational anomaly", "a flying saucer fell here". And the water still continues to flow up the inclined surface and the pendulums regularly change their course."
