Fern Flower
Published on January 10, 2022

Singing Mountain

Аккум-Калкан, Kazakhstan


The Singing Mountain (Akkum-Kalkan) is located on the territory of the Altyn-Emel Park, 180 km from Almaty, between the ridges of the Dzungarian Alatau. It is a sand dune with a length of more than three kilometers and about two hundred meters in height, which has the ability to create a hum that can change the tone and strength of sound depending on the weather. With a strong wind, the "song" of the mountain turns into a howl, a scream or a sound similar to the hum of a jet engine, which can be heard for several kilometers. And over time, it begins to increase, causing the vibration of the earth.

There is a legend that this is not a dune, but a mound in which a batyr or khan rests.

According to another folk legend, Shaitan himself hid under the hill from the wrath of the Almighty (according to another version, he fell asleep), so he howls because he cannot get out of his hiding place (or he has bad dreams).
