Fern Flower
Published on January 25, 2022

Seteais Palace

Дворец Seteais, Portugal


Actually, not the whole hotel, but only room number 18.

An urban legend says that once a young man's body was found in this room. The room was locked from the inside, there were no visible signs of violence on the body, so the death of the young man was considered suicide. Meanwhile, the young man had no reason to take his own life – he was rich, had no debts and was going to marry a beautiful girl. The management of the hotel did everything to keep the tragic incident a secret.

But the first guests who settled in room 18, right in the middle of the night, demanded that they be given another room. They complained of strange noises: footsteps, whispers in an unfamiliar language and the creaking of doors - although the doors did not open. Since then, such complaints have become constant. And after a young couple jumped out into the corridor in the middle of the night shouting “There is someone there”" number 18 decided to temporarily close. The frightened guests were asked if they had heard a whisper in an unfamiliar language.

“This language is familiar to me—" the hotel guest replied— "because it is my native language”" The guest turned out to be French, and the phrase she heard sounded like this“ "She knows…” And then someone remembered that the young man found in room 18 had a bride. And the bride has a music teacher from Avignon. A young and very beautiful woman who disappeared shortly after the funeral.
