Fern Flower
Published on February 7, 2022

San Lorenzo

Сан-Лоренцо, France


In the thickets on the outskirts of the village of San Lorenzo, which is located in the northern part of Corsica, about 30 kilometers northeast of the city of Corte, there is an idol about 2 meters tall. A wide mouth without lips and teeth is visible above the massive chin. The nose is only slightly outlined, instead of eyes there are only two holes. The legend of this strange figure is alive in the village:

Once upon a time there were vampires on the island who came out of their graves at night to catch young girls. When such a vampire settled near San Lorenzo, the residents gathered together to decide how to get rid of him. Since he only went out at night and most often wandered near the old church, they decided to set a trap there.

The bait for the ghoul was appointed a girl — the most beautiful in the village. It was calculated like this: the beauty will come to the church late at night, the vampire will take the bait and come out to her, then they will finish him off.

And then the evening came. The brave girl went to the church, and the brave men, armed with shafts and pitchforks, followed her at some distance. But the vampire did not appear.

The girl began to call him tenderly, and then suddenly, as if in response, a wild scream rang out. The courage left the beauty, deadly terror shackled all her limbs, her heart stopped, and she turned into stone. And then it turned out that the day before, a young man was locked up in the church after the divine service by an oversight of the acolyte. He already imagined how he would have to stay locked up for the whole week without drinking and bread - until the next service... And then suddenly I heard footsteps! Not wanting to miss the only chance of salvation, the poor man shouted at the top of his voice. The empty vaults of the church repeatedly amplified the cry, turning it into a terrible trumpet voice...

The vampire did not appear near the village after that story. The girl, having turned into stone, remained forever near the church...
