Fern Flower
Published on January 24, 2022

San Jose de Buenavista

Сан-Хосе-де-Буэнависта, Antique, Philippines


San Jose de Buenavista is the metropolitan municipality of Antica, a province located in the western part of the Visayas region.

Before the Spanish conquistadors founded it as a city in 1872, the area where San Jose de Buenavista is now located was a dense jungle. Pirates often came here to hide their treasures. Locals believe that to this day the ghosts of these pirates continue to visit different parts of the city, guarding their treasures.

It is believed that this area is the habitat of the Wak-Wak - a huge bird-like creature, very similar to a bat, with extremely sharp claws. He flies at night in search of people to feed on their hearts.
