Fern Flower
Published on January 24, 2022

Rudolph Lake

Озеро Рудольф, Kenya


In Kenya, there is a mystical Envaitenet island on Lake Rudolf, which means "irrevocable" in translation from the language of the Elmolo tribe living on the shores of this lake. The mysterious island has been abandoned for decades: no one wants to settle on it and, I must say, there is every reason for this.

There are many stories about this place with the mysterious disappearance of people.

In local mystical legends, there is mention of a mysterious fire that spews from a certain pipe on the island, and corridors leading deep into the bowels of the earth. According to these legends, the giant Wat Usumu Tong Duurai lives there, sowing infection and throwing fire. And also, if you believe the stories of the Elmolo tribe, sometimes a city glowing with multicolored lights rises right out of the fog near the island.
