Fern Flower
Published on February 16, 2022

The residential district "Yuzhny"

Микрорайон «Южный», Уссурийск, Primorskiy kray, Russian Federation


The mystical story was told by the residents of the Yuzhny microdistrict. About 20 years ago, an officer's family moved into the new building. And then inexplicable things began to happen in the apartment: for no reason at all, light bulbs exploded, newspapers flew to shreds, things turned upside down in cabinets, at night the family woke up from the sound of dishes falling from the shelves.

Several times the apartment burned, and the owners could not find the cause of their misfortunes until they turned to ufologists. After the research, it turned out that there is a paranormal being in the apartment.

The owner managed to get in touch with him and conclude a peace agreement: people will not interfere with him, and it is for them. Judging by the fact that fires do not occur in the apartment, the contract is still being observed.
