Fern Flower
Published on January 26, 2022

Raisio Church

Церковь Райсио, Finland


The old stone church in the quiet town of Raisio is considered one of the oldest in the country. Mentions of a wooden temple in these places are found in the chronicles of the XII century. 

An interesting legend is connected with it:

In the same chronicles it is told that the residents of Raisio for a long time dreamed of building a new stone church, but, unfortunately, there was not a single mason capable of such work in the whole district.But one day, a certain person came to the local pastor and said that he was ready to build a stone temple, but on condition that he would work only with his assistant, and the pastor would not appear on the construction site until the temple was fully completed. 

The delighted priest immediately agreed to all the conditions of the stranger, but after a while he began to be tormented by doubts. To dispel them, the holy father turned for advice to a local old-timer, whom everyone in the neighborhood considered a sage. The old man said that in all probability the church was being built by mountain trolls under the guise of craftsmen, who dreamed of seizing money, and especially church silver. However, you can get rid of them very simply – just say their names out loud.

The problem was that the mysterious builders did not tell the pastor their names, and it was not possible to find them out. But then chance helped. Once the priest stayed with a parishioner and on the way home got lost in the night forest. Trying to find his way in the dark, the holy father suddenly heard a child crying. Creeping up to the source of the sounds, he saw a huge troll woman, who was rocking her baby, singing to him a song that Nally and Killie would soon return home and bring them a lot of silver. 

Having safely got out of the forest, the pastor hurried to the construction site of the temple. When he met two workers, he loudly called out their names. At the same moment, the masters turned into big birds and quickly disappeared from sight. 

And the stone church in Raisio remained unfinished, the trolls did not have time to finish the fourth wall, which has remained wooden to this day.
