Fern Flower
Published on January 25, 2022

Quinta do Montado

Quinta do Montado, Portugal


This house with round turrets was rebuilt in 1905 from a 19th-century mansion commissioned by industrialist and merchant Manuel Marquez Gomes, who made a fortune on wine. Marquis Gomes, a philanthropist and generous philanthropist, paid special attention to orphans. At the beginning of the last century, Gomes' attempts to educate children left without parents were considered by local residents as interference in other people's affairs. His initiatives did not cause delight. There were terrible rumors about the fate of children who "fell into the hands of a rich man", especially intensified after the epidemic of the "Spanish flu", when people died by the hundreds.

Peasants spoke with fear about a rider on a white horse who came to kinta every night from hell itself to pick up new victims. Almost a hundred years have passed since then, but the legend lives on. The rider on the white horse or the Messenger of Death has become almost the official ghost of the quinta do Montado.
