Fern Flower
Published on January 2, 2022

Pomeroy Castle

Замок Поумрой, United Kingdom


And in the castle you can still meet the ghosts of Margaret Pomeroy (who brutally killed her sister) and her distant relative (who killed her child).

Those who strolled near the ruins of Berry Pomeroy Castle could encounter the Blue Lady, who, seducing, lured them to the tower, where they died. She is the ghost of a Norman lord's daughter, raped by her own father. Some claim that the child was strangled by his father, while others attribute this crime to the girl herself. Now her tortured ghost roams the territory, being an omen of death, as some believe.

The Blue Lady is not the only ghost haunting Berry Pomeroy's castle. The White Lady is believed to be the ghost of Margaret Pomeroy, who was locked up by her jealous sister Eleanor and left to die without food. Both sisters were in love with the same man.

In the XIX century, Berry Pomeroy Castle was considered a very romantic place. Many artists and amateurs often visited it, and, according to rumors, one of them still managed to take a photo of a White Lady standing near the ivy-covered walls.
