Fern Flower
Published on February 7, 2022

Place 18 Valleys

Куцеранс, France


In the heart of the Pyrenees, near the French town of Kutserans, there is an amazing and mysterious area called "The Place of 18 Valleys". It is here that incredible mystical events take place every 50 years. The last one was in September 1972.

There are many mysterious legends and legends about these places. One of them says that it is here that wolves with female heads live. A warning was passed down from generation to generation that people should avoid these places, because more than one person disappeared forever, disappearing into the mirrored waters of Lake Alet. On the shore of this lake live terrible witches who have repeatedly lured belated travelers to the otherworldly, looking-glass world. Some of them returned after a few weeks, but they looked much older, and their stories about life there scared people. Of course, no one believed them. After a few months, everyone who returned from there went crazy.
