Fern Flower
Published on January 25, 2022

Palacio do Rei do Lixo aka Palácio da Bruxa, aka Torre do Inferno

Palacio do Rei do Lixo он же Palácio da Bruxa, он же Torre do Inferno, Portugal


This strange place is known by three names: the Witch's Palace, the Devil's Tower or the Garbage King's Palace. 

In this place, the Ghost of a knight in a cobalt-colored cloak, with a bloody sword in his hand, was repeatedly observed. With his other hand he held a severed female head -he held it by long red hair. At the knight's feet lay the body of a girl. And tears were rolling down his face. People said that every day they hear women's screams, the whistling of a sword and the sobbing of a man. In the mid-80s, the quinta was sold again, and the new owner presented a plan for its reconstruction. But on the eve of the start of the restoration work, the tower broke out and burned down. Local residents who observed the fire claim that the fire devouring the tower was blue. And before the roof collapsed, it turned orange.
