Fern Flower
Published on January 16, 2023

The Palace on the Rambla

дворец Виррейна, Барселона, Spain


María Francesca Fiveller de Clasquerí i de Bru was engaged to Anthony Amat, the nephew of the Viceroy of Peru, but when he did not show up for the wedding, his uncle Manuel d'amat i de Junyent, the former viceroy, decided to save the girl from shame and at the age of 75 came from America, proposed to her. He ordered the construction of a beautiful palace, and three years after the conclusion of a fictitious marriage, he died. Francesca was left to live alone in the castle, but soon died too.

Witnesses claim that in today's Centro de la Imagen, one can see Francesca's restless soul still loitering in the castle.
