Fern Flower
Published on January 20, 2022

Oriesphere Outpost

Застава Ориесфера, Armenia


According to legend, there is a pond on the border with Armenia, next to the outpost. Locals said that there was a ravine at this place, and there was a small church in it. But there was a place of prayer, all the surrounding villages came here. In the 70s, springs suddenly began to beat in the ravine. Nobody knew about the pumps in that remote place at that time. So this ravine was flooded literally in a year, along with the church and icons. 

On the night of big church holidays, that pond begins to glow (not all of it, but only in the center, approximately where the church stood, with a pleasant greenish-bluish color).


Our comments

Unfortunately, the exact location on the border is not specified.