Fern Flower
Published on March 2, 2024

No. 50 Berkeley Square

Беркли-сквер дом № 50, Лондон, United Kingdom


Not far away, in a famous area of London, there is a house number 50 in Berkeley Square. Among other things, it was the residence of George Canning (04.11.1770 — 08.08.1827), the Minister of Foreign Affairs and, for a short time, the Prime Minister of London, who also died there. In the 19th century, the building was considered the most haunted house in London. Today, the antique shop Magg Bros Ltd is located here.

In the 1770s, neighbors reported strange noises coming from the house - at that time the building was empty. There was also talk of something like crying. All these events were accompanied by the movement of furniture and the loud slamming of shutters. It happened that books and other household items ended up on the street in a strange way. Whenever I tried to investigate these events, nothing unusual was noticed – everything was in its natural order.
