Fern Flower
Published on February 9, 2022

Museum of Ivanovo Calico

Музей ивановского ситца, Иваново, Ivanovskaya oblast', Russian Federation


Museum of Ivanovo chintz.

The lady in blue, almost the same as in the portrait in one of the halls of the museum, has been told for a long time. The restorer from St. Petersburg was the first to see her. Standing on the ladder, she felt something was wrong, screamed and almost fell. But the ghost turned out to be harmless and nothing happened to the woman. All she remembers is the blue cloth. After this incident, the rustle of a dress and the clatter of heels were heard even by the staff and security guards on duty at the museum at night. And the gray cat Zoska even saw this evil. In such cases, she hissed and took to her heels.

The portrait depicts a merchant from the Neburchilov family in a blue dress with a chic shawl on her shoulders, for which you could buy half a factory. Dmitry Gennadyevich Burylin was the administrator of her inheritance. Perhaps he let it go to the wrong needs and therefore the soul of the mistress of the treasure is restless. This is just a hypothesis, but from the canvas the lady looks at the visitors of the museum quite unkindly. And the hall is somehow cold and uncomfortable.

"If he appears on your way, it means that he accepts you, knows that you are not a stranger in the museum," the staff say.
