Fern Flower
Published on January 26, 2022

Mount Osorezan

Гора Осорезан, Japan


Mount Osorezan - Japan - Mount Osorezan (Osorezan Mountain) or the Mountain of Fear is one of the unusual places in Japan, where, according to beliefs, the world of the living intersects with the world of spirits. 

The Bodaiji Festival is held here every year. People come to it in the hope of communicating with lost loved ones through Itako, blind women who have undergone extensive spiritual training. To communicate with the souls of the deceased, Itako undergo a three-month purification ritual before the festival, and during its holding they go into a deep and prolonged trance. The outcome of the seance is not known. Sometimes the soul of the deceased does not respond, but it also happens that Itako begin to speak in a strange voice and call information about a particular person that they simply could not know.
