Fern Flower
Published on January 24, 2022

Mount Everest

Гора Эверест, People's Republic of China


Jomolungma, better known as Everest, is the highest mountain in the world. It is located in the Great Himalayas, on the border of China and Nepal. The height of the main peak reaches 8848 meters. 

Every year, up to 500 brave men try to conquer Everest, many of whom encounter strange, mystical phenomena. There is a huge amount of evidence of climbers who claim that they saw ghosts during the ascent.

Every self-respecting climber should believe in the spirits of Everest, and honor the memory of those who could and did not come back. Several hundred climbers died while trying to conquer Everest. The bodies of most of them have not yet been found. Few people think about the fact that the snow of the mountain hides a lot of icy dead, who are not worthy of the earth.
