Fern Flower
Published on January 18, 2022

Moosham Castle

Замок Моосхам, Austria


Moosham Castle is a wonderful example of Austrian architecture and ghost stories. Built in the 12th century, it is also known as the Witches' Castle because of its sinister past. This is the site of the bloodiest witch trial in history.

Between 1675 and 1687, thousands of women were called witches and sentenced to death by the Inquisition. They were tortured and deprived of their heads in the castle walls. Most of them continue to come to these halls, but already in the form of ghosts. In addition to the role of a platform for the execution of witches, Moosham Castle also served as a werewolf's lair.

The history was traced back to the beginning of the XIX century, when many mutilated cattle and deer corpses were found near the castle. As a result, some residents of Moosham were tried and imprisoned as werewolves.
